Saturday 17 May 2014



Relationship means many things to different people but in a layman's term, relationship is simply the "many different ways in which people or things are related, i.e the inter-relatedness of things in a given way(s)". 

The focus of this article is what I will like to term as "principles of human relationship" and I aim to explain relationship in the light of the growing demand for the proper and exquisite understanding of it because no matter who we are or what we are, we always crave for love, for affection and hence for a fruitful and happy relationship. 

The main goal of any relationship, whether it started in real life i.e face-to-face interaction before other things or it started online(virtual interactions) is to bond two souls together in a relationship of oneness.  But this doesn't seems to be the obvious case in this contemporary era and as can be rightly deduced without much ado, most of today's relationship are hinged on the faulty foundation of sex - an erroneous allusion to the juxtaposition of love and sex in such a way that people now see love as sex, and vice versa. 

A look at the lexicon (dictionary)  will give you an idea of what a relationship is but in reality, relationship is much more than that. 

A relationship can beautify your world or doom it in an ever twist of endless hell and chaos which can make you a bit fed up with life. 

I will try as much as I can to give you an insight to what a "true relationship is"  and "what it's not"  and in my subsequent posts, I will be posting about the "do's and don't's"  of a great and successful relationship which I sincerely hope will go a long way in helping someone like you reading this post, no matter the state of your present relationship. 

Feel free to comment nd and also invite your friends, relatives, colleagues and acquaintances here for more interesting post that's sure to make your world(your real and private world)  a better place not only for you but also for those that you get in contact with. 

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