Thursday 12 June 2014


While most bulk texting gateways are already taking precautions to vet messages before they go out, always try to confirm payment independently from your account officer, your bank balance on your ATM, online banking channel or through systems created by the bank. Be wary of a credit alert that doesn't show your account balance.

4. Withdraw at gun point

Some crooks especially at nights, force their victims to withdraw cash from an ATM by threatening them with a gun.

Use only bank ATM machines in well-lit, high-traffic areas. ATMs inside busy supermarkets are considered safer. Don’t use ATM machines that are remote or hidden, such as being located behind buildings, behind pillars, walls, or away from public view. Beware of obvious hiding places like shrubbery or overgrown trees.

Avoid ATMs where people are lurking around. Since you cannot return the money to the ATM, don’t waste time counting money at night.

If you take the precautions above, those crooks won't find it easy to dupe you of your money.

Do you know other banking scams or tricks used by those crooks? Do you have an experience to share? Kindly let me hear from you via comments.


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